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Motor torque optimisation

This page contains instructions on how to optimise the motor torque value on the Elite E8.0 and E8i. Before starting this process ensure the belt is correctly adjusted (see guide here).

If the torque value is not optimised the belt might stutter, have a sluggish response when in use of display Error 02 on initial use. The stuttering is described as a stop-start motion of the belt which normally occurs at low speeds (1-5 km/hr). The cause of stuttering can be a result of the calibration values entered (see E8.0 guide and E8i guide here) resulting in a slight torque fluctuation in the motor at low speeds or a change in friction in the system.

The lowering of the torque value can also help to reduce the chances of power trips on circuits that might be struggling under load. The value will lower the peak power draw at startup, therefore, lowering the chances of the circuit breaker tripping. This method should be seen as a last resort to reducing power trips as it will reduce the optimised torque value of the machine.

Increasing the torque value will help with the motor stalling and displaying Error 02. The increased torque value will provide a higher torque value at lower speeds and assist with the motor not stalling as it tries to move the running belt.

Note: This procedure is for advanced users and to be undertaken at your own risk.

Elite E8.0

  1. Stop the treadmill and remove the safety key.
  2. Press the START and SPEED (-) buttons at the same time. This will bring up the advanced settings menu.
  3. Press the Programs / Training Prog button until d09 appears on the screen. This sets the motor torque value.
  4. Use the SPEED (+) or (-) buttons to increase or decrease the value. To start with set the value to 55.
    At 55 the treadmill belt should be smooth. If not, use a lower value to start with.
  5. Press the STOP button to save the value.
  6. Place the start key back in place and press the START button with the speed set to 1 km/hr.
  7. If the treadmill belt runs smoothly keep increasing the value of d09 by repeating steps 1 to 5 until the belt starts stuttering again.
  8. Once the do9 value has been identified when stuttering starts go back one value and save the setting.
    value stuttering start – 1 = value to use
    e.g. 70 – 1 = 69

By using the highest value of d09 without stuttering will provide an optimum treadmill torque and response time.

Elite E8i

This feature is available for version 1.4.4+. See the changelog here.

  1. Stop the treadmill and stand clear of the running belt.
  2. Go to Settings > Advanced Settings.
  3. The motor torque value can be set on this page.
  4. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to increase or decrease the value. To start with set the value to 55.
    At 55 the treadmill belt should be smooth. If not, use a lower value to start with.
  5. Press the SAVE button to save the value.
  6. Press the START button with the speed set to 1 km/hr.
  7. If the treadmill belt runs smoothly keep increasing the torque value by repeating steps 1 to 5 until the belt starts stuttering again.
  8. Once the torque value has been identified when stuttering starts go back one value and save the setting.
    value stuttering start – 1 = value to use
    e.g. 70 – 1 = 69

By using the highest torque value without stuttering will provide an optimum treadmill torque and response time.

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