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Inspiring Home Gym set-ups

Needing inspiration on how to store your treadmill at home?

We have asked some of our ambassadors to share their set up to give you some ideas for making that pain cave and little less painful.

Set up and image provided by Jamie (@jamies.running)

Home Gym

Many people are now working from home and what better way to make use of your lunch hour by simply moving a few steps to the left.

When storing a treadmill inside on a carpet, we always recommend a rubber mat slightly larger than the treadmill footprint (2m x 1m) to ensure no carpet fibres/dust gathers underneath. 

Set up and image provided by Ian (@ianrunsldn)

Garage space

Very few people actually use garage to store cars as they were once known for, so why not make the most of the high ceilings and ‘outdoor’ feel.

However, with the weather being unpredictable, it can be difficult to monitor temperatures inside a garage. Treadmills should be kept in a space that doesn’t reach below 5°C or above 30°C. This is why it is good to ensure you have suitable flooring and air flow to keep heat in and humidity out!

Set up and image provided by Stephen (@filmmyrun)

Zwift fans

Having a big TV screen allows you to fully immerse yourself in your favourite third-party apps (e.g. Zwift) for that complete escape into virtual reality.

Running on a treadmill can feel quite lonely, but while running in a virtual world with thousands of others, it feels anything but.

Motivational quotes on the wall also provide that reminder that even in your weakest moments, you are still tough!

Set up and image provided by Jonny (@j77nyy)

Race bib wall

If you are needing inspiration for pushing that bit extra during a Workout when motivation is low, having previous race bibs to look at can provide that extra boost when you need it!

When the going gets tough, you can relive all the moments where you got through it and were hopefully rewarded with some personal bests.

Plus, having a treadmill at home doubles up as a great place to keep an eye on your kids too. No excuses now! 

Set up and image provided by Stuart M

Endurance cave

All the gear… and what a great idea!

If you are lucky enough to have multiple indoor trainers, you can set up your own endurance haven. This would allow someone else to train alongside you to keep you company when you’re trying to find that bit extra or doing a triathlon brick session.

LED lights also add a very cool, simple yet effective touch… 

Don’t forget to get a big fan to help keep you cool and a de-humidifier to minimise condensation build up. No matter the weather, indoor training is always one to make you sweat (and even more so if there is more than one of you in there)!

Set up and image provided by Jo (@running_squirrel)

Medal wall

Similarly, to the race bib wall, you can hang your medals where you can see them before you get into your zone! You could also frame your biggest sporting achievements (because they really are something to be proud of), but don’t forget about the non-running ones too being a good addition.

Treadmills are also a great way to try out new shoes to see if you like them, so keep them close and you can swap and change as your heart desires.

Have an inspiring home set-up you want to show us?

Get in touch via email [email protected] or via our social media platforms and we will share it on our channels.


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